
The River of Life

The River of Life birth and bereavement doula services provides mental, emotional, and physical support in a hospital or home settings to women who are giving birth in any trimester and are experiencing a loss. Offering love, hope, compassion, support, choice, and validation, to impact the experience of the birth or death in a powerful and positive way.

  • What is a Birth & Bereavement Doula?

    A Birth & Bereavement Doula is a uniquely trained and certified person, who provides comprehensive support prior to, during, and after birth and death. We labor in love with and walk along side the woman no matter whether the outcome is a live birth or a fatal outcome.

  • The Types Of Losses I Service?

    Miscarriage(before 20 weeks), Live Miscarriage, Stillborn(after 20 weeks), Chemical Pregnancy, Blighted Ovum, Honoring Uncertainty(“I might have miscarried”), Ectopic Pregnancy(Located outside of the uterine lining), Molar pregnancy, Missed Miscarriage, Fatal Fetal Diagnosis, Vanishing Twin, Twins or multiples loss, Recurrent Miscarriage, Infertility, Nicu Grief, Neonatal Death, Elective Abortion, Medical abortion, Child Loss, Maternal Death, Secondary Infertility.

  • Prices and packaging

    We believe Doula services should be affordable and attainable for all women who desire that support through their live or fatal birth outcome and have a wide array of payment plans and options. Prices vary from $0-$500.


Coming Soon!


Memorabilia are items that bereaved parents have to honor the memory of their child. Memorabilia helps with the grieving process and provides comfort, validation, and support to the family. These also make great gifts to give to bereaved parents. Coming soon!